"Punch Cup, Lemon and Delft Vase"
5"x 7" Oil on Gessobord.
$100. + $8 s&h sold
5"x 7" Oil on Gessobord.
$100. + $8 s&h sold
Both the chrome punch cup and the Delft vase where purchases made on my recent trip to North Georgia. Each of the items in this still life was a different challenge. The cup came easily to me, but that vase! When I paint a "hand painted" object I generally fail to get the background values correct before I begin in with the decoration. This vase was not an exception. Believe me when I tell you to get those values right FIRST before decorating! It will save you a lot of time.
My collection of painting props keeps growing and shelf space is diminishing. I have the best inspiration when a new object is waiting in the wings for its first painting. I've been looking for a while for a vase of this sort, a silver goblet and silver cup all of which I have now. The goblet still needs the silver polish and a handsome piece of fruit to accompany it and it'll be ready to paint.
My collection of painting props keeps growing and shelf space is diminishing. I have the best inspiration when a new object is waiting in the wings for its first painting. I've been looking for a while for a vase of this sort, a silver goblet and silver cup all of which I have now. The goblet still needs the silver polish and a handsome piece of fruit to accompany it and it'll be ready to paint.
What a great job you did! I can well imagine the difficulty of getting the values on that vase. All your hard work paid off! I like everything about this painting...all the colors in the cup and the soft folds of the cloth.
Marilyn, I love your delft vase!! how pretty it is!! and I know what you mean about painting the design on. I recently painted little delft s& p shakers and was really puzzled at how to go about it! You did a great job! The cup is awesome too!
Love it, very well done! Color, composition, drawing, edges and values all handled with skill.
Great painting! Color, composition, drawing, edges and values all handled with great skill.
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