Note: This is my second try at an accurate photo. I'm not able to get the contrasts correct. The distance is right but the foreground and middle ground are a bit more intense and sharper than appears on the screen.
This was a hard challenge from Karin Jurick's blog, Different Strokes From Different Folks. For me the goal was to simplify the detailed photo and to create a sense of distance and a bright sunny atmosphere. The street scene had electric wires going everywhere! I don't think I simplified much except for those wires. My focus changed into managing my brush strokes, keeping them simplified and painting shapes instead of objects. I have to continue to remind myself to think SHAPES! I'm pleased with the outcome although I still struggle when I paint on canvas at this small size. I think I'm finally getting use to piling on the paint much thicker when painting on canvas as compared to my preferred surface of a gessoed board. Click here to check out the other artist's version of the same scene and to see the photo that was provided.
Marilyn, You handled very difficult subject matter in a very pleasing manner. Congratulations!
Wow! You did a wonderful job on this, Marilyn. I really get a sense of the hills and distance and the warmth of the sun. Great title too, driving on those hills must really be a "joy ride"!!
Wow Marilyn...this is outstanding AND on such a small canvas! Though you have included much of the detail, you organized the chaos with a unity of color and shape...bravo!!
Beautiful work, Marilyn!
Love your take on this. I agree with Dana, you did organize the chaos.
Great job on this Marilyn, with those soft colours working so well. Your Sliced Tomato is wonderful.
Hi Marilyn, masterful work here.
The work is very nice. You have cared about minute details, and the shapes are drawn very accurately.
Great work, Marilyn! The aerial perspective really works well!
Such a soft and pleasing sense of light and depth.
A beautiful painting that is bathed in lovely golden light.
Beautiful lighting. Wonderful work.
Beautiful lighting. Wonderful painting.
Marilyn, this is surely one of the best entries, congratulations on such a beautiful painting.
Marilyn, you are right to be pleased with this one - a great result.
This is a lovely painting. Very nicely done and beautiful colors.
Yours is one of my favorites. I would love to see how you created such detail on such a small canvas! Did you use a magnifying glass? WOW !
I really love the hazy sunny mood you've achieved in this piece!
Your painting caught my eye. I absolutely love the atmosphere. This is a work of art, not just a painting exercise.
GREAT job with the challenge, Marilyn.
Hi Marilyn, Excellent and Magnificent work of yours..It is so difficult and u did it with so ease. Gr8! :)
Color Pencil Portrait: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Ohhh, that does look hard to paint!
But I think you achieved the look you were going for. This definitely has a nice amount depth to it.
Very visually interesting from every corner of the canvas.
I noticed the car closest to the middle has the most detail and my eye instantly went there first. Nice touch!
Great job on this one!
I think you did this street scene very effectively. It was my favorite. It was detailed but the details did not overpower. It was simplified enough to do just to the photo - good job!
I like your simplifications from the reference photos. You said all you needed to in this lovely painting, which makes me think of Steve McQueen.... I'm imagining a vintage Mustang and Charger in there on that "Joy Ride".
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