"Hide and Seek"
5"x 7" Oil on gessoed panel.

It is that time to paint cherries again. I love to eat them and I love to paint them. I don't love to photograph them - they seem so dull on the screen. The color of the deep red really pops and looks good enough to eat in the original. Happy summer and the Forth of July greetings from Hotlanta!
This is absolutely beautiful, Marilyn - it's hard to believe that it is only 5"x7"!
nice peach, crock and cherries
Luscious looking fruit, Marilyn! Stay cool in hotatlanta!!
This is beautiful Marilyn! I love it!!
Very nice, fantastic texture on the peach and shine on the cherries
brilliant painting, both the peach and the cherries look deeeliceous!
Hard to believe this only 5 x 7.
this would make a great large painting.
Mmmm. Delicious! The colors really pop on my screen Maryiln. Beautiful glow to this piece.
Rich colors...great composition!
Great values and crispy saturated colors, love it Marilyn!!
Of all your recent still lifes, Marylin, this one is the strongest and my most favorite.
The cherries look rich and shiny and the lone peach staring at me just catches my eye.
Wonderful shadows, all very natural looking, keep this still life grounded.
The striped cloth is the finishing touch!
Just great!
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