6.5"x 11" Oil on gessoed board.

New Orleans is known for it’s many street artists and musicians. My husband was born there, has family there and we have spent many vacations in the French Quarter, the enchanting old section of the city. Recently on a fellow artist’s blog ( Vern Schwarz ), Vern posted a painting of a street musician, Roger Ridley from Santa Monica, California. The painting was inspired by a video of some fabulous street artists from all over the world performing “Stand by Me”. What a joy and inspiration it is watching these musicians perform one of my all time favorites! I’ve painted performer Grandpa Elliot in New Orleans who you’ll find in the video mix. Vern and I have immortalized two of these musicians and maybe you’d like to join us. Link, enjoy and rock out!
Great painting and great video. I saw the video last week and recognized this gentleman immediately. Such fun!
Bravo Marilyn, you really captured the personality and animation of Mr. Elliot. Great painting, which I'm sure you had a lot of fun with. Thanks for the mention and for giving this a go...I love it!
Wow! When I first saw this I thought I was at somebody else's blog. This is so emotional and I am not just saying this so I can have my picture right under Vern's. I guess he's a real dog!
Thanks, Carol, Vern and Rick. This was definitely a bread from the usual and I still love watching the video (although it is a bit corrupted now and doesn't play smoothly for me anymore). I want to place it on ebay, but am nervous about the copyright from the video. I'm trying to contact the makers but have had trouble so far. I'll post any info I get in case there are other painters out there.
What a great post! I enjoyed watching the video, I think 'stand by me' is now my new favorite song. Thanks for sharing it, and your painting is wonderful too, so full of life.
Wow, great work. I just found your blog. Very interesting and enjoyable.
This is wonderful, Marilyn! You and Vern are very inspirational, and so captured the wonderful animation and spirit of these musicians. I saw the video on his post, and am so impressed you did this too. What a great city New Orleans is. I've only been a few times, and loved it.
Excellent painting, Marilyn - you really captured his spirit.
Thanks guys for your comments! I've been stuck this week (since Tues) with no phone line working and thus no internet. Yikes, I didn't think it would be so much like a withdrawal! I'm at a friends now (Sun) and how to be back working tommorrow.
OMG!!! My husband and I just went to New Orleans and I saw this fellow on Royal Street....Everyday he was there. You captured his spirit. What a great painting! (I have been working on my New Orleans painting...this will really get me going and inspire me to finish it up!)
I've been to N.O only once, the year before Katrina, and we saw this guy along with many other interesting street performers in the French Quarter. I'm glad he's still there doing his thing. Love the lighting and brushwork! You nailed it.
I have this video on my blog too and your pictures does it so much justice , BEAUTIFUL.
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