Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Vase of flowers in progress

After a week of multiple family crises and heavy work week, I'm finally back at the easel. Hospitals and funerals put me in the mood to paint flowers and this afternoon I began this 14"x11" oil painting. What attracted me to the still life I captured by camera yesterday, was the soft quality of the indirect light from the nearby window. The most striking beauty of the light is how it filters through the white petals of the flowers. I'll be painting them in near the end, after all other values are established. Posted here is the initial drawing and the blocking in of the base colors. At this stage, getting the values right is more important than getting the colors accurate.


Anonymous said...

I always love seeing work in-progress, especially the pencil work on this painting.

My favorite part of your pieces so far have been the reflections of the objects against the table, you are so good at capturing that.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

sorry about the hospitals and the funerals. Your piece is well done.